参考例句:An insistent rhythm动人的旋律To compose a melody.谱曲,创作旋律The melody is lingering, and rich in variations.旋律悠长徐缓,富于变化。Harmonize a melody把(低音的)和声加于旋律中A fugue for four voices;string voices carrying the melody.四声部的赋格曲;弦乐声部演奏旋律Its smooth and lively melody expresses the pleasant mood of life in south China.乐曲以流畅明快的旋律表现了南国生活的愉悦情绪。sugary hard rock melodies [ and ] ear candy hooks(Boston Globe)甜美的重金属旋律和动听的符尾波士顿环球)a fugue for four voices;string voices carrying the melody.Also called voice part四声部的赋格曲;弦乐声部演奏旋律也作From a doorway came the plangent sounds of a guitar(Malcolm Lowry)从门口传来吉它的悲哀的旋律(马尔科姆·劳里)Atonal: Lacking a tonal center or key; characterized by atonality.无调性的,不成调的: 缺乏中心旋律或主旋律的;以无调性为特征的。melody是什么意思:n. 曲调,歌曲;旋律;美妙的音乐;乐曲的音符编排The melody still rang in her ears.那个旋律仍然在她的耳际荡。The beautiful melody is lingering in my mind.美妙的音乐在我心中回荡。White pigeon wheel and hover, trickling the melodious whistle.雪白的鸽子盘旋飞翔,流淌下一串悦耳的哨音。 The marriage of words and melody in that song was unusually effective.那首歌里词与曲配合合谐,产生了非同凡响的效果。Sing the deep vocal register of the melody with a deep voice.请用明亮的嗓音演唱第一段歌曲。 到小D查看旋律的英文翻译>>