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Lose yourself高潮部分的歌词

2024-05-23 02:55:27 编辑:join 浏览量:591

Lose yourself高潮部分的歌词

(You better) lose yourself in the music, the moment

You own it. You better never let it go(go)

You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow

This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo


(you better) lo(hoo) -se yourself

in the mu-

sic the mo-

ment you owm

it you better never

let it go

(You better) lose yourself in[读fin连上一个单词] the music, the moment

You[t音连you] own it. You better never let it go oh


You[加重音] only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow

This opportunity comes once in a lifetime


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